Owl’s Head fire in 1907, pre-Weeks Act; photo courtesy of the Forest History Society appeared on Appalachia’s cover
Shambling around the web, I stumbled upon a blog by a Colorado woman who on a trip east found Appalachia journal, which I edit, on the newsstand at a Barnes & Noble in Bethesda, Maryland.
“I skimmed a few pages and kept seeing “White Mountains” and photos of mountain tops I’ve been on and knew I needed to buy it,” Kristen Lodge wrote on March 10 in her blog, An Outdoor Life.
“I didn’t read it on the plane home. I waited until I got home so I could savor every word that was written about hiking in the White Mountains. I wanted to read every article slowly and remember the time spent in the woods and mountain peaks of New Hampshire and Maine.
Writers and editors always hope some stranger will walk into their work and feel they have arrived home. When that happens we rarely hear about it. So to find an unsolicited review of the journal I work so hard to make right—and it’s a good review—well, that’s what I work toward all the time.