Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday

Today’s Laura Ingalls Wilder’s 148th birthday, and Google’s Doodle took note. Americans are thinking about the pioneer author, and I know the time is ripening for my next book, Libertarians on the Prairie: The Creation of a Pioneer Myth, which I hope...
New Hampshire circuit

New Hampshire circuit

Stream that feeds into Ammonoosuc Lake, Crawford North, NH I have just returned from the White Mountains of New Hampshire. My knee has been acting up, so I did not hike very much—just the Around-the-Lake Trail in Crawford Notch. I gave two evening talks, one at the...
Testimonials from my writing students

Testimonials from my writing students

Chris guest-teaching journalism students at the University of Hartford In 2010, I taught a course called “Writing in Motion” at the Green Street Arts Center in Middletown, Connecticut. I still gather for meals, reading, and talk with three of my former...