Sunday afternoon thoughts

Sunday afternoon thoughts

Left-right: My sister-in-law Julie Gribbins, niece Shannon Gribbins, me, and my sister, Anne Woodside Gribbins. Here in southern California—er, I mean rainless Deep River, Connecticut—my husband and I visited for a few hours this afternoon with my sister Annie. She...
Retreat over, have emerged

Retreat over, have emerged

Madison and Adams seen from the Diagonal Trail in Randolph, NH I retreated to Randolph, New Hamphire. For two weeks. I wrote and edited chapters of my next book, Libertarians on the Prairie. I revised and printed out. I revised again and printed out again. I looked at...
Back from the Mountains

Back from the Mountains

Shadow clouds and shadow human on Mount Garfield. Early this week, my husband Nat, daughters Elizabeth and Annie, and Elizabeth’s boyfriend, Greg, hiked up to Mount Garfield in the White Mountains and stayed at Garfield Ridge Campsite. Sixteen mountains in the...
Libertarians on the Prairie

Libertarians on the Prairie

Laura Ingalls Wilder, left, and her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, as they looked in the 1930s, when they worked on the “Little House” books Now available from your favorite outlet. Coming out in paperback in October 2017 Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder...
Laura Ingalls Wilder devotees follow details

Laura Ingalls Wilder devotees follow details

Beth Tarini, M.D., shares her deductions on scarlet fever and why that did not blind Mary Ingalls I am at a conference of Laura Ingalls Wilder enthusiasts. It’s called Laurapalooza. This name injects a lighter air to reality. Roughly 160 followers of the humble...