A misbehaving horse’s lesson

A misbehaving horse’s lesson

Firm log bridge. Icy snow on top. Near Cardigan Mountain, New Hampshire. I took riding lessons for a few years, starting at age 49. At first I had no instincts. I lacked courage, and the horse knew it. I sometimes praised a misbehaving horse, hoping he would behave...
Laura Ingalls Wilder as a Voter

Laura Ingalls Wilder as a Voter

Alf Landon campaigning in 1936. ljworld.com Laura Ingalls Wilder devotees asked themselves last week how Laura might have voted in the recent election. I don’t think I have to answer that directly. Laura was approaching her later years when women were granted...
Writing Laura Ingalls Wilder’s pioneer life

Writing Laura Ingalls Wilder’s pioneer life

Map of Laura and Rose’s homes by Karen Ward This map by my talented colleague Karen Ward records all of the homes of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter, the novelist and libertarian-movement founder Rose Wilder Lane. Look at the dates for Mansfield, Missouri....