Chris guest-teaching journalism students at the University of Hartford
In 2010, I taught a course called “Writing in Motion” at the Green Street Arts Center in Middletown, Connecticut. I still gather for meals, reading, and talk with three of my former students in that class. The class included a professional medical writer, a journalist who had taken a hiatus from work, a weekend short-story writer, and two artists.
I attended a 6-week class with Chris that focused on the connections between walking and creativity in writing. Her engaging yet low-key style made the way for a welcoming and dynamic learning and sharing environment. The class literally opened up new horizons—years have passed and I continue to walk, write, and even write about walking, as well as get published on a regular basis.
—Katherine Hauswirth
Chris Woodside’s workshop led me back to writing. Chris teaches in a warm, thoughtful way that helps open the door to creativity. Her unique style is a true inspiration!
—Donna Bowden