Online Articles
Testing Poop is the Future
Above, from the Yale study: The red line represents the rise and fall of the COVID-19 outbreaks as detected in New Haven sewage. The darker line, seven days later, represents a similar curve of the outbreak as tracked in human testing. A new study by Yale University...
How Much Plastic is in Your Body? Scientists Turn to Oysters, Mussels for Clues
Marine scientist J. Evan Ward checks on oysters he and his colleagues cultivate at the University of Connecticut. They examine them for the presence of microplastics. Photo by Christine WoodsideJ. Evan Ward knelt on a dock jutting into Eastern Point Bay at the eastern...
Mold concerns rise with the sea level
I wrote this for the Connecticut Health Investigative Team. See
Doctors and Computers
Dr. Kristen Zarfos with a patient., December 5, 2014 Not the best examining-room combo By Christine Woodside and Dr. Kristen Zarfos Researchers conducting dozens of studies in recent years have asked patients how they feel when their doctors stare...
Was It a Mountain Lion? A Guide
The mountain lion in Minnesota last winter, months before he made it to Connecticut., July 9, 2011 Despite many sightings over the years, it's doubtful Connecticut has mountain lions For 25 years, Connecticut residents have reported seeing mountain lions....
Summer’s Killing Combination: Sewage Treatment and Long Island Sound
Orange bars mark hypoxia area; purple line marks duration. Long Island Sound Study It is a killing combination: Connecticut’s developed coast bumps up against Long Island Sound, a quiet body of water with few exit points to the open ocean. Each summer, a...